Why Is It So Hard To Make the Sale?

Remember the good old days, when you’d meet a new prospect, you had chemistry together, they liked you, then they hired you in short order.

I bet you have nostalgia for how easy it used to be to convert a new prospect into a new paying client.

Heck, that’s how you built your current book of business over the years

Fast forward to today.

Your new prospects drag out your sales process into multiple meetings and follow-ups.

They can’t make a decision with you on the first meeting, as they need to “think about it”.

Now more than ever, it seems as if your being “shopped around”…it can feel a lot like pulling teeth.

At this point in your career, onboarding new clients should be getting easier -- not harder.

Yet nothing has changed on your end – you’re still showing them value, your friendly, asking fact-finding questions, doing the same thing you’ve always done — so why are they still so indecisive with you?

The truth is, even though we are now in a new economy, and the advisory industry has become commoditized (huge shifts), the industry standard pre-sale approach many advisors continue to use, hasn’t changed in over three decades.

A complete mis-match to the times we live in today.

For today’s new prospect (even high net worth ones), they have a hard time seeing past tomorrow, let alone grasping how your solution will impact their lives months and years down the line.

When you center your approach around providing information and guidance about a potential benefit far out into the future, you muddle their thinking even further and they become overwhelmed and indecisive -- unable to trust their own decision making.

That means that the antidote for indecisiveness is not more information, relationship-building, fact-finding or value delivery, instead it’s just: clarity.

What you need is a visual tool that anchors the conversation in the present moment and crystallizes their decision-making mindset -- like a treatment plan a doctor gives to a patient with a broken ankle.

This takes the pressure off of you having to prove yourself and focuses the conversation solely on their understanding of the simple steps they’ll take with you to fix their problem.

They don’t have to buy you anymore, they just have to buy your process.

When you provide them with a clear roadmap, they’ll feel reassured and comfortable taking the first step with you without hesitation or resistance –
when you experience this, you’ll make the shift you need to accelerate the growth of your practice.

To learn more about this unique trust-based approach to selling, get your complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: Your Unique Value Proposition – Is Not a Differentiator!

Get your Free copy of Ari’s best-selling book "Trust In A Split Second!" here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest book, “Trust In A Split Second!” has become an instant best-seller among financial advisors worldwide.