Why Every Advisor Must Be Business Planning NOW

Today, we are going to start our multi-episode conversation about strategic planning for the upcoming year. For this episode, I would like to inspire you on why you need to put some time, energy and effort in putting a plan together for 2021.

Being an advisor is the only profession that I am aware of where you can have economic abundance and time freedom. However, you have got to plan for it. It does not occur by mere happenstance.

I want you to do a check in on yourself. Where are you right now? Are you in a scarcity/survival, abundance, or prosperity mode? And how are you going to lead in 2021?

Watch this video to learn why every advisor needs to have a business plan and how I can help you put a game plan together for 2021.

For more information on my Annual Business Planning Conference this December, go to www.fabizplan.com. If what you see there inspires you, come step into my world and let me help you put your game plan on.

Related: How Advisors Can Breakout of a Slump