It is so simple. It’s always available to us.
And we forget. The shift from our fast-thinking-mind back into the body.
The move forward THROUGH our body.
When a business conversation suddenly gets stuck. When we start playing verbal ping pong with another person and are determined to win the point. When frustration seems to get the best of us. When we just can’t let up. When we want to shut up and simply don’t know how.
Yes. When our mouth seems to have an unstoppable mind of its own.
Next time it happens, shift out of fast-thinking mode. Focus back on your body. It’s where our energy gets blocked. It’s where we unblock it.
Yes, I’m talking about the very simple act of returning to the body.
A simple return to the body. The mind turns away from the other, just for a moment. Back to our rebalancing GPS. The body.
This is the conundrum, of course. In the moment when we need the help of our body most, we tend to ignore it with supreme willfulness.
It takes a mere second or two. With our return, we have started to shift our energy and the energy of any conversation we happen to be in.
Better yet. We need not understand how the shift works. We just need to trust that it does.
Another conundrum. We require the help of our mind to shift back into the body. Not the fast-charging mind. No, the talk-to-my-body mind.
Related: In the Absence of Interest, Choose to Be Curious
It’s the mind that remembers that sometimes the move forward is THROUGH the body.
It is our job to remember and talk to our body. Here’s your silent mental command: Back to my body . When you’re mid is racing, notice. Back to my body . When you’re talking too much, notice. Back to my body . Always. Back to my body .
This week, when you find yourself in a clever conversation that is going nowhere, remember:
Shift out of clever-thinking-mind. Mental command. Back to my body .
A few quick seconds.
Into the body.
Notice what happens.