What Being Interesting as a Entrepreneur Can Buy You

Years ago, I hosted an out-of-the-city party that would be no small commitment for the guests (about a 90-minute drive each way).

What could I do to make it worth three hours of their time just for the commute—to make this gathering an automatic yes?

The idea came as I was playing with the guest list—when it struck me how exceedingly interesting each of these folks were.

So I invited them to bring a guest (three hours in the car is waaaaay more fun with a friend) but with a caveat: they had to bring someone they found interesting.

If every one of my interesting pals brought one of their interesting pals, we’d have a room full of interesting people, right?

Best. Party. Ever.

Because one of the hallmarks of interesting people is they are also interested. They are curious. They ask good questions. They’re willing to go deeper than a superficial conversation.

So it’s no surprise that being interesting to—and interested in—your ideal clients and buyers brings you some advantages as a Soloist.

You inspire your people to take more risks.

When you are authentically interesting—and you put it out there—you give everyone around you a permission slip to be more of themselves. To let a little of their personal “weirdness” out of the bag.

You encourage your people to risk a little more, to dare a bit more often. Which is especially helpful if you’re midwifing big transformations: modeling your own courage helps clients take those bigger steps.

Your people actually like you.

Not some brand-washed version of you, but the you that takes interesting positions—and isn’t afraid to defend them or even revise them when the world changes.

And, because you’re interested in your ideal clients and buyers as people, you ask questions. You seek to understand. (We like that.)

You become their go-to authority.

When news breaks in your niche, they look for you. In their email, on their socials. What do YOU think? What would YOU do?

They read and listen and watch you. They quote you, they share your stuff, they ask you questions and—when they’re ready to act—you’re their first click or call.

Being interesting—and interested—isn’t something you can fake (or at least not for very long).

So…how interesting ARE you?

Do you have a quirky backstory?

Any unusual hobbies? (I worked with a CFO-type who was also a professional poker player. Who trusts poker players with the company’s money? More folks than you’d think 😉)

What about your family life (kids of all ages can make for interesting stories)?

If you’re not sure you’re very interesting yet, try dropping a few tiny bread crumbs of vulnerability (just one at a time) and see what happens.

Related: Ditching Complexity in Your Soloist Business