No. It’s such a small word packed with so much power.
Because most of us are doers, it’s not easy to say “no.” It feels a little like failure, like you’re letting someone else down.
Yes, is easier. It feels like we just might win the popularity contest with yes. But it doesn’t necessarily always make us happier.
In fact, yes can make things a whole lot harder than they need to be. Squeezing us and our precious time until we don’t have anything left for anyone else, let alone for ourselves. Yes can compromise quality.
No is often better.
Once you practice saying “no” it gets easier. It can also create boundaries and scarcity that let others know your time is valuable.
“Yes” then becomes something very meaningful. It is a commitment of your time and energy that you give willingly, not because you feel obligated or didn’t have the strength to say “no.”
Your career takes a tremendous amount of your time and emotional energy. When you go to work, do the things that count, and say no to the things that don’t.
Only you can set the boundaries that free you up to do the things that matter most.
Start by saying “no”.