Understanding Advisor Head Trash

What holds an advisor from creating their ideal life and business? Their intelligence? Their lack of resources? Their firm? Their Team?

We can keep going, but I think you get my drift. As I dive deeper into creating my advisor P.O.S workshop (Personal Operating System), what holds you back is the basic fact you have some “trash” that must be felt with in order for you to take action and proactivity create your ultimate vision.

Many advisors don’t want to go down this road because of their ego and arrogance. My advice, put that aside and you will start to see a transformation in yourself and your results

In this episode I will cover the following:

  • Ego & Arrogance the million dollar advisor tax
  • What defines “Head-Trash”
  • The direct effect to your success and bottom-line
  • Time to get real and “take the trash out”
  • Proven strategies to make the shift you need to make
  • Related: The Business Model of the Advisor of 2025