Twitter Is Easier to Use Than Most Advisors Think

Advisors often stay away from Twitter, understandably, due to compliance regulatory issues. Aside from that, inexperienced users aren’t always sure WHAT to post.

So, what are some things you can tweet about?

Here’s a brief list to get you started:

  • Current blog posts that have been approved.
  • Old blog posts and articles.
  • Events your ideal audience will appreciate.
  • Other people’s blog posts, events as they relate to the work you do.
  • Information your ideal clients would enjoy even if they are off-topic.
  • Responses, feedback, opinions on your followers’ posts.
  • Images with comments from events you are speaking at or attending.
  • Ask a question or for a recommendation.
  • Your quotes or words of wisdom.
  • Industry news.
  • Pictures of your team.
  • Tell others about a great service you’ve recently experienced.
  • A video — yours or one you’ve enjoyed.
  • Tweet personal holiday notices.
  • Book reviews.
  • Respond to other people’s tweets.
  • Tweet a quote; even better, tweet a quote within an image.
  • Thank your new followers.
  • Wish someone a Happy Anniversary.
  • Tweet about a company milestone.
  • Mention an event you’ll be attending with a link to it.
  • Tweet recommendations.
  • Tweet that you’re at an event and would like to meet your followers.
  • Tweet about things to do with your passions or hobbies.
  • Related: 10 Low Cost Ways to Market a Seminar

    Remember to…

  • Invite your clients, newsletter lists, and blog readers to follow you on Twitter.
  • Test the archival system you use for social networking sites to assure it’s working.
  • Tweet things OTHER than business information to provide your ideal clients with more valuable information.
  • What are some business type tweets you’ve sent out that I missed?