The Ultimate Program for Advisor Success


Today, we will kick off a three-part series about a new program I’ll be deploying at the end of this month called Get The Yes 2.0. 

The main goal of this program is to teach advisors how to take a prospect and convert them into a client, which entails very high levels of influence, persuasion, and sales skills.

My aim in this episode is to give you enough understanding of why this program is essential and how it will provide you with that competitive advantage as the advisor of the future.

I also discussed the following:

(07:05) The core failure of most advisors
(07:26) The dynamics that advisors must consider to be excellent at this game
(10:16) The worst thing an advisor does to influence somebody
(16:13) What does the identity of an influencer/coach look like?
(20:46) The three elements of coaching/influence

Related: My Calendar System for Financial Advisors