I’ve written often about the power of an annual theme (see here and here , for example). Choosing a word or phrase that describes who and how you want to be in the coming year is a clarifying, empowering, and mindset-shifting activity. I am always amazed at how my annual theme plays out in ways I never could have anticipated!
Today I want to take this one step further with you.
First, start by choosing the word you most want to represent you. It could be your highest core value or a word directly from your Purpose Statement. Or maybe it’s the word that best summarizes your goals for the coming year. It might be the word that you know is you at your very best, even if you don’t feel like you always live up to it.
The only real criteria: the word needs to be meaningful and inspiring to you.
Got your word?
Now, in past articles and presentations I’ve shared many ways to hold this word high: Make it your screen saver. Build it into your passwords. Create a visual anchor representing it. I still encourage you to take these actions, as they will solidify your word and make it part of your way of being.
But I also want you to do something bold:
With a large marker, write the words I AM… on a piece of cardstock or in the front of your journal. Then, still using that rich, permanent marker, I want you to write your word.
For example:
Essentially, you are staking your claim and making the word part of your present experience, rather than something in the distance toward which you are working or striving.
We conducted a similar exercise at Spark last week, and you could feel the strength and energy in the room rising as each person boldly declared her space! It’s one thing to think it; it’s another to write it large and say it loud.
Related: How Much Attention Do You Give Your Mindset?
It may feel awkward at first. You may have thoughts like, “But I’m not actually this yet – it’s what I want to be!”
I beg to differ.
I believe this is who you are at your core. It’s already in you, already a part of you. It’s just been waiting for you to bring it to surface level and commit to it.
You’ve surely heard it said that “I am” are two of the most powerful words in the English language, because whatever you put after them creates your reality. Think about that: How often have you said, “I am tired” – then instantly felt filled with energy? Probably never, you likely just felt more tired.
But maybe you’ve experienced times where you had a rough night’s sleep and felt tired, but rather than stating it over and over throughout the day, you told yourself a different story: “I am energized. I am focused. I am awake!” I bet telling yourself a different story led to a different result.
Keep that in mind as you decide your annual theme – or even your daily intention. Decide who and how you want to be in the world, then commit to it. This simple but profound act could change your life experience!