The Secret To Getting Paid as a Financial Advisor: It’s Not About Being Popular


Today I’d like to discuss the difference between being popular and being paid.

With all the social media available nowadays, some advisors tend to concentrate on posting content in hopes of getting more likes or followers. They believe the more popular they are, the more clients they’ll have.

While I'm all in favor of getting your voice heard and out there, is it the right strategy to focus most of your energy on attracting new potential clients?

In this episode, I talked about

  • (05:05) The most effective way for advisors to get a new household
  • (06:19) Why having more followers isn’t necessarily a good thing
  • (08:53) The value of committing to a rockstar-level COI game
  • (10:53) What strategy should you be optimizing to attract more clients

Related: The Secret To Getting More Referrals (It’s Not What You Think)