The Perfect Tool for Advisors to Stay Top of Mind


Challenging times always present opportunities. Setting yourself up for effective virtual communication now will help you succeed long after COVID’s gone.

Since February and COVID this year, we’ve been forced to communicate virtually far more than we ever thought. Now it’s ubiquitous with how we’re communicating with many of our clients. Therefore, it’s imperative that you learn how to communicate clearly, succinctly, and get very, very comfortable using a camera and projecting to your clients. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using the Loom platform.

Yes, there’s the Zoom platform, which is a great delivery vehicle for a one-to-many live presentation. But then there’s also Loom that’s helpful to present a follow-up video that you can record and then send out to your clients. Think of Loom like a video email, so to speak, a video text message, where it’s just one-way communication. I’ve included a link down below explaining the differences between Zoom and Loom and how they both can be integrated seamlessly. You can use them both together to effectively communicate with your clients.

When you’ve spoken with your clients, be it virtually, or even when clients are coming back and we’re having those face-to-face meetings, providing them with a visual virtual summary of the important points that you discussed is a great way for you to stay top of mind. That means by not only sending them content, but delivering it to them in such a way that they’re seeing you and hearing you. Loom allows you to do that.

So, for instance, when you’ve met with a client, even if it’s virtually, then record a two-minute video clip highlighting what was said and then mentioning the pertinent details that you’re going to be following up on or need them to be following up on. So something along the lines of,

“Hey, Doug and Heather, it was great meeting with you today. As we mentioned, the three items that we’re still waiting on to finish off the financial plan are:

  1. The deck pages for your insurance.
  2. Your last Bank of America statement.
  3. The pertinent details of the estate plan that we mentioned.

I’m really enjoying working with you through this plan. I think you’re going to be excited to see the end product. I look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions. We’ll talk again soon.”

Say something that simple, that succinct. It allows you to be heard and seen.

I’ve read commentary that says you shouldn’t be meeting with one partner of a couple one-on-one. You do really ideally want two people together so that everybody’s on the same page, but given the pressure that we’re under today, that can be very difficult to do. Even though you’re coming into their home virtually by a computer, it can still be challenging to have two partners together. When you present a summary of the call through Loom, you’re giving them the video and the audio responses that they can pause, take note of, and share with a partner when they’re most ready to listen to you together.

By providing this list, you can also present your clients a way that they can literally pause, write the details down, and then have that checklist that you’re helping them build so they can make sure they take care of every step possible.

They can then share this content with their children so their children are hearing exactly the same message that your clients are hearing, and you’re starting to build that rapport with the next generation. Generations now two and three deep are getting used to communicating as families using this kind of technology, and you have to show them that you’re up with the latest effective means of communicating how you help the most.

So if you’re not used to Loom,

  1. Go to the Loom website. Check out the platform and see how you can integrate it into how you deliver content to your clients.
  2. Practice. Practice talking to-camera. Practice delivering the end of your message where you tie off one, two, three points, letting them know what they need to do, letting them know what you’ll be following up on, and then tie it off with a nice bow as you let them know that they’ll hear from you whenever is most appropriate.
  3. Use this to increase capacity. You’re now going to educate your clients to get so used to seeing you on camera when you do reviews with them, and then also hearing a summary from you, that oftentimes they’ll be fine just having future meetings in the comfort of their own home. So you’ve now knocked down maybe an 80- or 90-minute meeting into now maybe a 40- to 50-minute experience with them. They will get comfortable with you, you’ll be reiterating pertinent points to them, and, importantly, you’re going to have the capacity of your business grow.

I look forward to bringing you another Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea next week.

Related: Two Questions Advisors Need to Stop Asking