The Perfect Meeting, but No Sale, Why?

It’s your first meeting with a potential client, and you’re prepared -- if necessary, to present your full range of expertise to prove your value.

In the back of your mind, you believe this is the one chance you have to show them what you bring to the table -- or risk losing them to someone else.

However, an unexpected twist happens at the end of the meeting and they tell you they’ll get back to you -- as they have to “do their due diligence” by speaking to other advisors.

While it’s true that you’ve successfully proven your value, it clearly wasn’t enough for them to commit and choose to work with you.

This often leaves you with no other option but to chase them with more and more education, in the hopes they’ll eventually see that you’re the one for them.

If your prospects are coming to you with a problem, then why is it that proving you can solve their problem, leads to long sales cycles and low conversion rates?

The truth is that in today’s economy, it’s no mystery as to what you do -- your credibility is already assumed (assuming you have a respectable presence online).

While proving yourself may reinforce what they already assume, they’re still hesitant to take the next step because of the gap between knowing you and trusting you, remains unfulfilled.

They’re not hiring you based upon your expertise, they’re hiring you because you understand them at a deeper level more than anyone else has before—that’s what trust is.

To do this, you have to shift your approach from a seller-buyer model, to a “doctor-patient” model.

Doctors focus their efforts on diagnosing the problem to such a deep level, that the patient trusts them to provide the treatment they need.

When you let go of having to prove yourself, and instead, focus only on trust-building, then their instinct will be to say to themselves:

“He gets me, he’s the one for me.”

To learn how to make this shift happen for you, get your complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: Why Creating Sales Momentum Kills Trust

Get your Free copy of Ari’s best-selling book "Trust In A Split Second!" here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest book, “Trust In A Split Second!” has become an instant best-seller among financial advisors worldwide.