The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Business and Your Career

Fire Yourself! That’s right, fire yourself! This act will probably be the most important thing you can do for your business and your career.

Make sure you do an in-depth exit interview so that you understand completely the reasons for this harsh but necessary action.

Oh! Don’t forget to throw yourself a “going away” party and buy yourself a gift (not too expensive). You will want to take this occasion to tell the boss (you) exactly what you think about them…and what you would do if you were in-charge! And, when you’ve done all of these things, figure out what you need to do and who you have to be to re-hire yourself.

Here’s where you need to tell the boss (that would still be you) what needs to be done. First, what areas or skills does the boss need to enhance or even develop to be able to lead more effectively?

Is it leadership, delegation , better communications , etc? Next thing is what should the boss (still you) stop doing or do differently going forward?

Periodically, all leaders need to take a fresh look at what they do, how they do it and why they do it. Business owners and leaders become so caught up in their own strategies and methods that they have great difficulty breaking free or letting go of what they have become very comfortable doing. They are so heavily invested in their approach that they have become oblivious to the fact that the world has changed around them and it is time to do some things differently—or face a downward spiral from which there may be no recovery.

Related: How to Translate Your Best Intentions Into Action

In this process, be sure that you can answer the question, “Are you the type of leader you would work for?” If you cannot work for you, why would anyone else? It’s important that you create a work climate where others will want to work for and with you. Employees are looking for someone to make them feel that they are making an important contribution.

People also want to work for a leader who holds himself to the same high standards to which he holds his team. In other words, are you a leader in words and deeds, or just words?

As you prepare to apply for your job, think about the type of leader your team, customers and company need. During your interview, be prepared to demonstrate that you are that leader. If not, then you need to be able to show that you have a plan in place that will help you successfully grow into that role.