The Art Of Effortless Prospecting

The idea of actively pursuing prospects is deeply ingrained in you as an advisor.

You’re constantly on the hunt for ways to expand your network (COI’s to talk to, relationships to build, etc).

After all, if you want people to hire you, then you need to let them know you exist, right?.

But as an experienced advisor, shouldn’t your prospects be pursuing you?

Shouldn’t you have already graduated from manual prospecting type of work?

Pounding the pavement (as the gurus used to call it) is for those starting out in the business, but not for seasoned pros.

Traditional prospecting is couched in terms of going to your market -- i.e. what’s your ‘go to market’ strategy, etc.

Most of the industry only understands it in one way, through an outbound approach and mindset.

But if you want your ideal client to recognize and respect your value as an authority, you can’t afford to pursue them.

You can’t allow yourself to be perceived as being hungry or “on the hunt”, because the attitude people develop in response to that, is that you need them more, than they need you.

While that’s certainly not in your best interest, it’s not in theirs either.

For someone wanting to solve their financial issues, they need to be focused and decisive, instead of being on the defensive with multiple advisors attempting to schmooze them to get their business.

The traditional outbound approach conditions your prospects into an attitude of: “What’s his real agenda?”.

Outbound prospecting is like hunting, you pursue your prey in the wild.

But inbound marketing is like fishing -- your prospects come to you and your inbound
trust-based sales system does all the work.

Creating inbound demand is about having a system that identifies your ideal clients, finds the ponds they swim in, and elegantly draws them out.

The key is to use your ideal clients deepest and most urgent problems as a homing beacon, so they feel emotionally connected to your insights and empathy of their specific challenges.

It’s the total opposite of traditional outbound prospecting.

If your prospects don’t recognize their financial issues based on your approach to them, then they won’t see the value in your solution and won’t see the value in you.

With a trust-based inbound system, that is all reversed.

Related: Marketing Your Brand Breaks Trust!

To learn more about shifting your mindset from outbound to inbound ideal client demand, order your complimentary book and consultation below.

Get your Free copy of Ari’s best-selling book "Trust In A Split Second!" here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest book, “Trust In A Split Second!” has become an instant best-seller among financial advisors worldwide.