In our last blog Resignation Kills Innovation – Are You Infected? we looked at how the mood of Resignation becomes the killer of innovation and we promised the antidote in this blog. As you will remember from the last blog, we are working in the space of possibility. When we see no or very limited possibility, resignation shows up. When we see possibility, the mood of ambition shows up. What does ambition look like?
Using the ontological framework again, we see the mood of Ambition in:
1) Language Our internal dialogue of ambition is something along the lines of “I see that it is possible to make a difference and bring about change, and I can influence that change.” Now, instead of seeing all of the limitations stopping us we see all of the possible actions we could take. The question “Now what is possible?” is essential for fueling innovators.
2) The Body Ambition shows up in our body as upright and erect posture. The head and neck are both more up than down. The eyes are open to possibility. The chest is open and expansive, showing itself to the world. A great example of this is the archetype of Superman, standing with hands on hips facing the world, his powerful chest bowed out.
3) Moods and Emotions We are open to what is possible and we seek to realize the possibilities. It is important to note though, that one can be in ambition, even if they do not like what the current situation is. An event or situation can be seen as negative, but because one is in the mood of ambition, they will seek to do what they can within the context of what is possible due to the situation. As an example, a person can be fired from a job they love, but they can see possibilities for what could come next.
Related: Resignation Kills Innovation: Are You Infected?
So, as a leader , what is possible when you and your organization live in a mood of ambition? How much more likely are you to be innovative and creative in ambition rather than resignation? In the end, the mood you choose will determine what is possible (the author says in a mood of ambition). To choose a different mood, we need to practice living in a different body, using different language in order to create a different outcome. #SelfMastery #LeadershipFlow