Summer 2024 Strategies for Financial Advisors


With Memorial Day marking the start of period two (from Memorial Day to Labor Day) in the U.S., I want to discuss how to optimize your summer game plan as a financial advisor and strategize for the season.

As a coach, I've noticed many advisors adopt ineffective summer habits. In this episode, I'll share best practices to help you make the most of your summer while still excelling in the advisor game.

I also talked about the following:

  • (04:36) How summer can provide a competitive edge for advisors
  • (06:13) Why advisors should always be in bizdev mode
  • (08:30) The best time to get your continuing education credits
  • (13:51) One of the biggest lies in this game
  • (17:30) Why you must stop putting a lot of pressure on yourself

Related: Do We All Suffer From Success Insecurity?