Stop Using Persuasion To Make the Sale!

For most advisors, using persuasion as a way for their prospects to get them to see things their way, has been a deeply held belief taught by the old guard “sales gurus” for many years.

This notion subconsciously puts pressure on you to seek any opportunity you can, to jump in and guide them down the path of your solution.

Essentially, the entire sales process is one giant build-up to the moment where you ask them to take the next step to becoming your client.

The misconception is, that when they resist your offer, it’s because you haven’t done a good enough job persuading them.

The reality is, it isn’t your solution they’re resisting, it’s your attempts to move them forward before they’re ready – that creates their resistance to working with you.

When you attempt to move them forward before they trust you, you trigger their fight or flight response, causing you to chase them after the first meeting.

No matter how subtle your persuasion may be, they can sense that you’re trying to take the conversation to a place where it’s no longer about them -- but about you making the sale.

Stop attempting to persuade, instead, focus only on building trust.

Trust-building and persuasion are completely opposite of each other -- like two ships, passing each other in the night.

To build trust, you need to let go of viewing yourself as an advisor, and instead, seeing yourself as a “doctor”.

Doctors don’t persuade, they focus their entire approach around their patient’s problems, before speaking a word about their solution and treatment.

They are trusted authorities because they stay inside their patient’s world, until the patient willingly and voluntarily asks for help.

When you adopt this mindset shift, you won’t feel pressure to persuade prospects to get to a “yes”, as they’ll naturally prompt you for a next step once they trust you.

To learn more about this innovative approach and how you can become a trusted authority, order your complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: Stop Playing “Cat and Mouse” Games With Your Leads

Get Ari’s 6 best-selling books for FREE here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest books "Are You Chasing Ghosts", "Trusted Authority" and "Trust In A Split Second" have become instant best-sellers among financial advisors worldwide, get your free books here.