Stop Sharing Your Expertise To Make the Sale

Most people are aware of the consequences that follow from not following their doctor’s advice, and so they accept it without resistance.

So why don’t your prospects have the same respect for you?

Why do they seem unimpressed by your knowledge and experience in financial matters, and feel the need to get a second, third, or fourth opinion?

Surely the length of time and number of meetings they spend with you poring over complex financial plans and information, would give them the impression that you know what you’re talking about, and set their mind at ease to hand over their financial matters to you.

There’s often an assumption in this logic and it’s that competence and experience is enough to build trust.

But the truth is (and it’s a paradox), the more information you share and the more effort you invest in proving your competence, the less your prospect will value your experience and trust you.

Trying to convince your prospect about your competence does two things that are bad for building trust and making the sale:

  1. It places the focus on you, which allows your prospect to continue avoiding their situation and taking ownership of it

  2. It makes your prospect feel like you're trying to sell them (that you have an agenda)

By contrast, doctors, lawyers and other experts like them, don't spend any time convincing their patients/prospects about anything, and yet they’re trusted implicitly.

Their only focus is to assess their patient’s situation and clarify for them what the consequences will be if their situation isn't addressed.

It's a very different approach, but it’s far more effective.

The patient gets clear on their situation and its consequences, but since their situation is beyond their ability to resolve it themselves, they also get clear on their need for an expert to intervene.

Basing the sale on your prospect’s situation rather than your solution, is how you position yourself as the trusted authority they turn to for that intervention.

It’s time to switch to a problem-centric sales and marketing approach instead of a solution driven one––and shift from being a dispenser of financial advice (of which there are many) to becoming a Trusted Authority.

Being a Trusted Authority will drastically change the kind of prospects you attract and the speed and ease with which they trust you and become your client.

Before a meeting with you even takes place, there’s already an underlying level of trust, which means you won't need to convince or educate them about anything.

You won’t need to sell.

All you’ll need to do is focus on telling your prospects the truth about their financial situation and the consequences involved.

Once you make that clear to them, they'll look to you as the expert they should trust and work with..

You’ll then become their Trusted Authority.

To learn more about becoming a trusted authority, order your complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: How To Differentiate Yourself Against Other Advisors

Get your Free copy of Ari’s best-selling book "Trust In A Split Second!" here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest book, “Trust In A Split Second!” has become an instant best-seller among financial advisors worldwide.