Start With Something, Nothing, Anything … Just Start!

How many times have you heard someone say something like this: “I know I need to get this started, but I just want to make sure I’m ready.” 

I hear that from those who have dreamed of writing a book.  I hear it from those who have dreamed of starting a podcast.  I hear it from those who simply want to start something new.  So, what exactly is holding us back?

Could it be fear of failure?  Anxiety about not doing your best, or the fear of making mistakes, can certainly prevent you from beginning a task.  Of course, if you set realistic goals, and focus on the effort you put forth to achieve those goals, you can overcome that particular concern.

Could it be procrastination? Some tasks can seem overwhelming, and sometimes we just don’t know where to begin.  So, we fail to even start because we do other tasks in its place. All we really need to do is pay closer attention to prioritizing the tasks before us, and staying committed to that priority. If you can do that, you can overcome that particular concern.

Could it be lack of confidence? Doubting your abilities, or feeling inadequate, can prevent you from taking the first steps towards completing a task.  Then again, perhaps all you need to do is to pay attention to the inner dialogue that you have with yourself.  Keep those negative thoughts from lurking in the background, and celebrate your strengths. If you can do that, you can overcome those doubts.

Really, I could go on and on, but the fact is this: The problem doesn’t center on why we don’t start, but rather it centers around how we start.  At the risk of sounding a bit trite, I think the solution can be found following one, simple mantra; give yourself permission to start with ugly.

If you’re dreaming of writing a book, instead of expecting yourself to meticulously craft each sentence, create a simple outline and begin typing.  Just type without hesitation.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to force myself to sit down and put my hands on a keyboard because I felt I had little to say.  Dare I say – I felt like I had nothing to say, only to find out that I had a lot more to say than I had ever anticipated.  Once I realized it didn’t have to be perfect, and it just had to be done, I was always pleasantly surprised.  It’s more than okay to start ugly.

If you’re dreaming of starting a podcast, don’t worry about micromanaging every word that comes out of your mouth. Make yourself a general plan and let it rip! I could have spent years planning a podcast and I still would have been a bit clumsy and awkward out of the gate.  For the record, if you do your best out of the gate, it will absolutely be good enough.  Don’t be afraid to start ugly.

If you’re dreaming of trying something new, don’t wait for the “perfect moment.” Make the moment perfect by refusing to be bullied or intimidated by the ridiculous notion that you need to be flawless.  Do your homework, step out of your comfort zone, learn, and improve.  I’ll take your very best over perfection any day.  Go for it by giving yourself permission to start ugly.

There is an ultimate irony behind the mistake of waiting for the “right time” to pursue a dream. Most of us will finally allow ourselves to chase those dreams when they are no longer attainable, and rue the day we held ourselves back.  Please hear these words: Allow yourself to be a little messy out of the gate. Allow yourself to make mistakes and to learn from those mistakes.  Allow yourself to give it a try, and embrace your courage and determination in beginning a new and challenging journey. You’ll be so glad you did.

Related: The Three Magic Words That Simplify Closing