Stand-Out and Attract High-Net-Worth Clients

In a commoditized market, simply being good at what you do isn’t going to cut it anymore.

You need to stand out in a way that draws your ideal clients to you.

The problem is, if you’re trying to compete on the same playing field as everyone else, you end up being the average of everyone else on that field.

You might think that your solution is so unique, that it will make you “unique”, but the reality is, in a commoditized economy, what you do -- is no longer a differentiator.

That’s a hard truth to swallow.

When you focus solely on what you offer rather than how you stand out, you’re essentially telling potential clients that you’re just another option for them – apples-to-apples.

This doesn’t help you in any way to create the unique connection needed to attract the right clients to you.

Think about it…when you present yourself in the same way as everyone else, your prospects have to have a “system” to figure out who is different -- which is a system they don’t have.

If your messaging isn’t distinct, clients will see you as interchangeable, and you’ll struggle to gain their trust.

They might show initial interest, but if they don’t see why you’re different, they’ll likely move on to someone else.

By not focusing on differentiating yourself, you’re inadvertently pushing clients away.

Most sales gurus tell us to focus on features and benefits of working with us, but that is a race to the bottom, because every other advisor has “cut their teeth from the same cloth”.

Instead, try this radical approach: focus on being a Trusted Authority, not just one more advisor they’re shopping.

When you establish yourself as a Trusted Authority, you’re not just another option—you become a category-of-one.

To become a category-of-one, you need to be open to making a major mindset shift, willing to defy your industry “norms” and prepared to challenge your “old ways” of selling.

If you’re ready to shift your approach and become the Trusted Authority to your prospects, order your complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: Stop Fighting Objections - It’s Killing Your Sales

Get Ari’s 6 best-selling books for FREE here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest books "Are You Chasing Ghosts", "Trusted Authority" and "Trust In A Split Second" have become instant best-sellers among financial advisors worldwide, get your free books here.