Year-end holiday lyrics bring the question to mind, ‘Should old prospects be forgotten?’ Unless hostility exists between you and another, it is short-sighted to forget previous prospective clients.Allowing feelings to interfere with reaching out one more time seals the doors instead of business. One way additional business may be earned is by taking the unusual step of contacting a prospect who previously rejected you.I would recall the lost sales that disappointed me the most. Although some business loss is expected, we rarely or fully know what is going on behind the scenes. And times quickly change.Sales aren’t always final with the CEO, and employees do not have full control over their decisions. But recognizing the human side of all with good cheer will sometimes turn the decision around at the next opportunity. I chose to stand out from the crowd by calling former prospects to wish them a happy holiday season.I would inquire about their plans and ask what is on their horizon in the New Year. Yes, this sounds time-consuming and possibly a grand waste of time. However, I found with one or two contacts being surprised and happy that I called, the time invested became well-worthwhile.My past prospective clientele was always taken by surprise when I called to wish them a joyful holiday season. A few were annoyed, but most were happy to hear from me. It was easy to detect the reception and if I should proceed with questions.Upon hearing a friendly voice, I advanced to the next phase of asking the following:
Will you be willing to consider my company once again What would you recommend I do differently the next time to see improved results May we meet at your convenience to discuss the possibilities?The uniform answer was, “Yes, let’s meet!”Their buy-in, agreeing to meet, was a signal for us to begin anew with good cheer in mind.My prospects let me know my methods were highly unusual, but also encouraging to pick up where we last left off. Our conversations took on an entirely different dynamic with enthusiasm included. The path to additional sales in the New Year started to pave itself. More importantly, worry about filling a new sales pipeline and meeting a higher quota was never an issue.
Good cheer attracts good results!
In light of spreading good cheer, two outstanding sales podcasts hosts offered me the opportunity to be their guests.1. The first podcast is provided by Paul Watts, host of Sales Reinvented Podcast. My offer of good cheer is providing Social Media Do’s and Don’t(s) along with sales stories for added insight. The title of the podcast is, “The Buy, Buy, Buy” becomes “Bye-Bye.”
Click here to listen. 
2. The next podcast is hosted by Phil Gerbyshak. Phil states, “I am talking with Smooth Sale about mindset, selling, and more. Elinor is a top sales influencer, a motivational speaker and an author. She’s overcome a broken neck to become one of the most positive and encouraging voices on the Internet.”
Click here to listen to our conversation and sales tips. Your Story About Remembering Old Prospects
Habits can make or break our effort. In the New Year, attempt new habits one at a time, so that you may monitor which work best and the ones to eliminate. Hopefully, you use a database to record interactions of all types.One addition for tracking clientele is worth considering. List the ‘almost clients’ that eventually turn you down. At holiday time, including the beginning of summer, contact the almost list to ask about plans and if anything is new at the company.
Variables get in the way of sales:
Budgeting Varying opinions behind the scenes ObligationsLittle remains stagnant. Give people space when they turn your offer down. Come to terms with what they are rejecting; it’s the offer, not you. Your job is to figure out what was rejected, and how you might improve future similar situations. Have your clientele train you for the possibility of working together down the road.Upon following up, use your own words to communicate the sentiment, “I was thinking of you.” When others hear you are thinking about them, they will stop for a moment to determine the sincerity. Liking what they hear, the conversation continues.All of the above applies not only to
salespeople but also for entrepreneursand those seeking work. Using creativity in business development for further sales distinguishes our individual work style and brand. And the heart-to-heart plus mind-to-mind conversations build credibility and trust.Give good cheer a try throughout the New Year while documenting the results. Mindset over matter wins out almost every time, and you just might experience a bulging sales pipeline.Related:
The Question ‘Why’ Expands Your Opportunity Holiday Sales Tips
Contact current clientele first to wish them a happy holiday season. Review lost sales to determine possibilities for revitalizing potential sales Start anew with your preferred prospective clients Begin each conversation with good cheer and asking about holiday plans Speak to changes within both companies and inquire about revisiting the potential of working together Ask for a meeting to share updates and new plans for the New Year Inquire about renewed interest in your services Offer an initial tiny sale to prove yourself and then expand offerings Request a date for getting started Celebrate Success!Today’s blog is provided to help you achieve
The Smooth Sale! Business Agility and Personal Development Are Requirements for Success
Whenever you believe a plateau is achieved, seek out help for getting your next climb in order!We have partnered with the following companies to assist with your
business growthand meeting your goals.Full Disclosure: Fees may be applied and I may receive commission through the links.