Sensing Honesty Increases the Emotional Incentive to Buy

Words, actions and deeds all reveal our level of honesty.

Prospective clients are keenly tuned in as to whether we display it or not. As price points increase, it becomes more important than ever to ensure our intended clientele recognizes the honesty within. No matter what it is being sold, begin with the ideal ending in mind. The ideal is to develop a returning and referring clientele.

Trust is the soul of sales

My Story

The real estate profession easily brings out the best and the worst examples. This is due to high priced property that brings forth greed rather than doing right by clients. Compare the following two stories to decide which agent you would choose to work with again versus the one from whom you might run away.

Example One

Just this week a friend conveyed that her friendly real estate agent strongly advised that her home not be put on the market. The agent reminded her of several factors:

  • There was little profit to be made since it was originally purchased
  • Business growth and improved transportation are coming to town
  • The neighborhood is highly desired
  • While all of this is true, the agent talked herself out of a sales and sizable commission. Why would she do that? To maintain trust and integrity knowing that the right day will come as will referrals.

    Example Two

    Years ago, interest rates were at 18%. A friend about to purchase a home was in process of agreeing to the contract. Suddenly her husband realized that the original loan was assumable at 8%. The agent neglected to suggest the couple proceed with the assumable loan. Making matters worse, the agent complained about having to redo the contract.

    If you were the client, which real estate agent would you choose to work with in the future?

    The same principles apply whether you are a shop owner, sales representative or a job seeker. Every activity is to demonstrate that you look out for the best interests of your clientele. Doing so builds sound relationships and a well recognized personal brand.

    Your Story:

    A few questions come to mind as you build a sound reputation:

  • Do you admit when you don’t know an answer?
  • Are you solely focused on income from a sale or on the client’s behalf?
  • Do you research everything upfront in order to help the client make the better decision?
  • As far as selling oneself to advance a career, share a story of how you helped a client to make the better decision and the praise it brought. This is the type of activity many hiring companies seek from job applicants.

    Knowing that you do your best to assist your clientele brings satisfaction from within. The best reward is having developed a highly loyal clientele. It eases the burden of stress wondering where your next piece of business might come from. Instead, you are able to enjoy repeat business, referrals and testimonials.


    Sales Tips:

  • Ask prospective clients the reasons behind the meeting
  • Hear out all factors that pointed to a need for the meeting
  • Listen for facts not included
  • Ask why those points are not being addressed
  • Explain the importance of the omitted facts
  • Incorporating all of the facts, ask for the intended best case outcome
  • Establish a timeline for getting all components in order
  • Create a the best plan for your clients
  • Deliver everything that is promised to perfection
  • Check in after the sale finalizes for satisfaction