Sell From Your Heart – Not Your Head!

If you’ve been an advisor for at least a few years, most likely your initial discovery meeting is centered around a structured process.

By structured process, I mean formalities such as fact-finding, rapport-building, value delivery – which adds formality to the meeting.

In many ways, it makes perfect sense to do that.

As an advisor, you spend most of your day operating in the realm of facts and figures.

You’ve personally witnessed countless situations where people have damaged or ruined their financial situation after making a decision based on their emotions only.

For you, the solution is usually based on logic triumphing over emotions.

If your prospects are looking for a level-headed and rational advisor to help them with their financial challenges, then the assumption is, your conversations should be based on logic and not emotion.

Here’s the problem with operating from your head and not your heart with a new prospect:

Your potential clients are human beings, not a spread sheet or portfolio.

While people like to think humans are rational creatures, the history of our species challenges this theory.

When a prospect speaks with you for the first time, they may be overwhelmed, frustrated, confused, anxious, or a combination of all of these and many more.

No matter how logical someone may seem, they’re bound to feel some type of pressure when choosing an advisor -- a decision that will impact themselves, their spouse, their kids, and extended family.

If you don’t address these hidden emotional “blind spots” by deep diving into their world to discover what’s truly at the forefront of their mind, they’ll never become vulnerable enough with you -- to tell you the truth that lies below the surface.

The good news is, out of the infinite amount of emotions your prospects may have, they only need them to feel one in order for them open up and hire you.

That emotion is trust.

Trust isn’t logical, it’s a feeling you get when you instinctively know: “This person just gets me. they’re the one.”

The key is to remove the traditional sales languaging they’ve heard many times over, and begin to use “languaging of the heart.”

The language of the heart allows you to bypass the logical part of their brain and speak directly to their emotions, which is what’s really driving their decisions.

For example, instead of saying you will “follow up” with a potential client, say instead your calling to hear their “feedback” about your initial meeting.

Follow up is a sales term, feedback suggests an open flow of communication.

When you begin to re-craft your languaging to foster open communication about their deepest issues, trust will naturally flow from there.

To learn more about how you can build trust by using trust-based languaging, order your complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: Your Prospects Don’t Have To Like You -- To Hire You!

Get your Free copy of Ari’s best-selling book "Trust In A Split Second!" here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest book, “Trust In A Split Second!” has become an instant best-seller among financial advisors worldwide.