So much time and effort go into planning events that it’s an absolute pity to be a witness to easily avoidable errors. Events are a type of sale because every planner wants to develop a loyal clientele.
Attention to detail from the client perspective earns a returning and referring clientele.
My Story
Being in attendance at two different events re-emphasized the importance of attention to detail. The best strategy is when all details are presented from the intended clients’ perspective.
Example 1
Difficulty arose at the first event whereby registrants did not receive the promised package upfront. The worst part was that the emailed link regarding the event did not work. Compounding the errors, the registrants were sent marketing information about similar events before the first one ever took place. The practice annoyed everyone. And at the end of the day, expectations were not met.
Example 2
An event was promoted as informing the attendees about new development in the county. Expectations included learning about new industries entering the county, building plans, and possible investment opportunities. Only a small part of the promoted program proved to be true. A short time was spent on new industry arriving. But then a yoga instructor and an essential oil representative both spoke. Attendees left somewhat disgruntled.
In both examples, the likelihood of a returning clientele is highly unlikely.
Your Story
Whether you are planning an event, a meeting or preparing for a job interview, the following suggestions apply. Review these to be certain nothing is overlooked.
Planning Ahead
Most people, even in the professional sales arena, will “fly by the seat of their pants”. In other words, little planning goes into effect. Once meetings are arranged or registrants confirmed, do research on the people involved and companies they may represent. LinkedIn is the perfect site to get started. Should you have more time, check out their tweets or postings on Facebook to gain better insight into their personalities.
By the time you do meet, you have a solid footing for establishing sound relationships. This is what contributes dearly to an appreciative clientele.
Outlining the Agenda and Expectations
Every type of meeting should include an agenda. Declare your intent and ask for your client’s intent for the outcome of the meeting. Double check afterward that expectations were met and possibly exceeded. Should this not be the case, find out why. Resolve to improve for the future.
Whether you are hiring speakers or simply representing yourself, consistency in all you do is what builds a notable personal brand. People quickly recognize they may count on you to deliver as promised.
Marketing Tips
My view is that it is very bad form to begin marketing new events prior to the current one being completed. The message that comes across is the old-fashioned “buy-buy-buy”. It is annoying and will dissuade future sales.
After the Event
Provide feedback forms at events. Anything that looks negative, follow up with a phone call for a personal conversation. This will soothe irritation and may lend light on how to improve future events. Additionally, the fact that you show concern for the person not quite satisfied may change their opinion to become a loyal client.
Relationship Development
Sales and account management are dependent upon continual effort to build relationships. When others see that you care about them, they will reciprocate in caring about your service. Over time, their patronage will develop into the Smooth Sale!