Loyalty is your best friend when sitting on either side of the table, and in any represented role. But a number of stages are to be adhered to first, in order to achieve having others show their loyalty to you.
Whether seeking work or new clients, the prospective list of many possibilities is enormous needing to be pared down with strict qualification. It is senseless to squander time with ill-matched possibilities.
Once you have reasonably qualified those you wish to approach, the next step is to reach out with a reason as to why their time might be well spent in speaking with you. Your initial communication is essential for putting it on the right footing.
Some sales are achieved with one brief communication while others may take an entire year. The long process includes speaking, listening and negotiating a preferred outcome for all parties. Adhering to desires of the other party as much as possible, being punctual, and accepting fault as appropriate, all go toward building trust.
For those long-term sales, mini tests may be thrown your way to see how you handle difficult situations. Passing the test, the trust is achieved and business begins to flow your way.
In the hiring realm, on occasion mini tests are thrown at job applicants. In this case, honesty is monitored in terms of truthful answers, facial expressions and reactions. Passing the test, you develop trust, and are far more likely to be hired.
Two-sided Loyalty
The businessperson who views the original sale as their duty to keep the client informed of updates to the services, and who checks in regularly to see how the service performs, is the one who builds client loyalty. This businessperson resolves problems as quickly as possible, apologizes for the inconvenience, and delivers beyond expectations. In return, that person becomes “the go-to provider”. No competitor is able to get a foot in the door. That is the definition of true client loyalty.
Why would a client seek out a “go-to” vendor? Should they recognize the vendor is dependable and delivers as promised, the need to interview many suppliers for future needs diminishes. This is a huge time-saver, and allows the decision makers to focus and deliver on their own ROI.
The two-sided loyalty improves everyone’s ROI. In the process, a returning and referring clientele is born that leads to the Smooth Sale !