Learning To Love Selling Your Expertise

“I hate to sell.”

“I’m just not good at promoting myself.”

“It feels weird, like I’m trying to convince someone to like me.”

Sound familiar?

A whole lot of experts have convinced themselves that selling = manipulation = tacky = not me.

We know we have to sell, we may even like it when it’s with the right people and yet we grind our teeth at the prospect.

Sure, you can work on your sales skills to sharpen them up.

But a lot of this work starts in your head—with how you think about selling. Until you change that, it’s hard to embrace selling your expertise.

So let me offer you some different thoughts:

“I’m happy to sell, because it’s an opportunity to truly understand a potential client’s situation and think through how to solve their problem.”

“I like selling my expertise because it means I’m helping people I really care about.”

“The better I get at selling, the more time I have to actually do the work which is the whole reason I went solo.”

“Selling is great because those conversations help me figure out who my ideal clients and buyers are.”

“I love sales conversations because it’s a low-risk way to “try on” a potential client to see if there’s a fit.”

“I love selling because I get to immerse myself in different client situations with different goals and help them create a way forward.”

“I’m really good at what I do and selling allows me to share it with people on the same wavelength.”

“I love selling because it creates an opening to demonstrate the value I can bring to their situation—it sets the stage for everything we decide to do together.”

Think of selling as a tool you use to expand your transformations to the right people.

You collaborate and everybody wins—what’s not to love?

Related: Is It Worth Becoming a Better Negotiator?