Is Buying Leads Worth It? This Advisor Thinks So

We all need leads to grow our business, but there’s a lot of skepticism around purchasing leads—it’s a scam, it’s not worth the money, the leads are less than ideal.

In today’s episode, The Efficient Advisor dismantles all the suspicions with guest Philip Snyder. Phil shares his firsthand experience, shedding light on the unexpected quality and high-value clients these purchased leads can bring.

Phil details what every advisor should know when contemplating online leads, including:

  • Initial hurdles and the trial-and-error learning curve
  • Realistic expectations to maximize success
  • The importance of having a structured process
  • Strategies that focus on high net worth clients 

If you’re looking to grow your pipeline, it may be time to harness the power of online leads.

Finally, a quick plug for the upcoming group coaching session launching August 2024. We have a special $500 discount for those on the waitlist. If you’ve been wanting to level up your practice, now is the time! Join the waitlist here to secure a spot AND save some cash!

Related: AI Overhaul: Creative Ways To Use AI in Your Advisory Business