Inbound Demand: The Art of Being Found

Most advisors have been taught the only way to get new clients is through some form of outbound outreach or “prospecting.”

To be a superstar at prospecting, it requires a “hunter mindset” to pursue cold leads for a chance to get their attention and show them your value.

In a world where smartphones and social platforms provide you with more access than ever before, it’s hard not to think that reaching out to as many people as possible won’t lead to some sort of growth.

But, if this were true, then why does it seem that an increased amount of your time is spent chasing, calling leads back, and dealing with resistance from those you hoped would be easy to convert?

Ideally, technology should make your job simple and stress-free, not land you inside of the spam folder or voicemail box along with the rest of your competition.

The reality is, while cold prospecting may have worked decades ago in the early days of the internet, it has now become the quickest way to ensure you remain commoditized.

In today’s economy, your prospects have become de-sensitized to the typical out reach and follow up process that they know is used to cover up a hidden agenda to “sell” them something.

Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of advisors using the same tactic, their minds sort everyone into categories and label anyone who makes them feel like they’re being pursued as another “sales person” they should avoid at all costs.

Even if you do manage to keep their attention, they’re still turned off by your first impression outreach – requiring you to spend more time and energy attempting to change the narrative they already have in their mind.

To prevent yourself from facing this uphill battle (the path of most resistance) for the rest of your career, you need to stop any aspect of your marketing that could potentially cause you to be viewed from this perspective.

The key is to get your ideal clients to come to you - without resistance and ready to onboard with you in one single conversation.

This requires a shift in thinking – from outbound outreach to inbound demand.

Instead of hunting for prospects, you need to architect a system that leaves a path of “breadcrumbs” for them to feel like they’ve found you on their own.

When potential clients feel like they’ve found you, you’ve created the path of least resistance to becoming the one being pursued with momentum headed in your direction.

You do this by pre-positioning yourself as the trusted authority in a specific niche, and use a “trust asset” to bring ideal clients into your funnel – where each step reveals itself and it becomes obvious to them that you’re the one they can trust to solve their problem.

Simply by shifting your approach, you remove yourself from the crowded pack of hunters and stand out as a category of one with your ideal clients -- who come to you pre-qualified and motivated to take the next step and say to you, “I’m in, let’s do this.”

To learn more about this unique trust-based marketing model, get your complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: The Perfect Meeting, but No Sale, Why?

Get your Free copy of Ari’s best-selling book "Trust In A Split Second!" here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest book, “Trust In A Split Second!” has become an instant best-seller among financial advisors worldwide.