In a Slump as a Financial Advisor? Here's What to Do


As we approach the end of August 2024, just a week from Labor Day, let's discuss what you can do as a financial advisor if you're feeling behind, lacking momentum, or stuck in a rut. 

Life is full of patterns—emotional and behavioral. When they align, everything flows, and we feel abundant. But when they shift, it can feel like pushing a car uphill with a flat tire, which is no fun at all.

In this episode, I shared some strategies to help advisors break out of a slump and discussed the importance of taking responsibility and massive action to achieve your goals.

I also discussed the following:

  • (06:13) How do you get out of the survival mindset trap?
  • (09:52) The dangers of being comfortable
  • (13:24) How massive action cures all slumps
  • (15:28) Why does your mind create obstacles when you fear taking action
  • (16:49) The choice that advisors have to make if they're falling behind the curve

Related: Active vs. Passive Client Communication Strategies For Financial Advisors