A few weeks ago, a Head of Leadership Development in a client company posed this question to me in preparing to bring some Activation programs in-house.“Some of our business leaders are chomping at the bit for this program, and others are really resisting it. How do I move the leaders in the second category along – build enthusiasm for the program?”I told her I had some data and collateral these leaders might find informative and compelling… but that my recommendation was frankly to leave them alone.In my experience, too many of us living in the realm of #employeeengagement, #employeeexperience, and #Activation over-invest energy in fighting for a seat a table of unwelcoming leaders.And while that energy infusion may lead to great calorie burn (because it’s not dissimilar to running 5 miles on a treadmill and ending up right where you started), it’s not – in my opinion – the best place to invest.Related: The Four Critical Words in Experience Crafting: Look Down. Not Up. My advice is to stop fighting for a seat at that table. Find your champions, your eagerest beavers, your hungriest learners, and engage them first.In this case I told her – let our program be the delivery mechanism through which these hungry hungry leaders receive the insight, tools, and practice that will enable them to #Activate an experience with their teams that drives engagement and results .Let those results begin to speak for themselves.Success begets success.Some leaders don’t want to make room at the table for anyone seeking to discuss “soft” things.So find a table with an open seat. Enjoy the warm welcome, invest in engaging with those who want to listen, and trust that their success will eventually earn you a seat at the finest table in the house.