How The Growth Game Works For Financial Advisors


Hello everyone and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. As we step into September, I’d like to talk about the financial advisors' growth game—not just the mechanics of growing the business, but the mindset and psychology behind it.

In my 30 years as a coach, I've noticed a few key differences between advisors who accelerate their growth and those who struggle. Interestingly, it's not about intelligence or organization; it's all about the approach.

In this episode, I discussed the following:

(04:42) The two types of advisors in the first five years
(09:32) An advice to younger advisors
(12:09) One of the hardest things to do as a business owner
(14:44) Three reasons not to wait until the last minute to hire an assistant
(17:09) The best place to look for talent

Related: Journey to Independence With Daren Blonski