One of the major benefits of the intense interest and investment which has gone into creating Robo-Advice models is that institutions are investing a heck of a lot into researching why and how customers are buying financial products.For years the financial services industry has worked with theories such as “insurance is sold, it is not bought”, or “investment products are too complex for consumers to research for themselves” and certainly for an extended period of time these beliefs were largely true. The “supply” side of the industry (product manufacturers as well as distribution) enjoyed the benefits of information asymmetry.
Put simply: We had more, or better, information than the customers did, and were in the position of greatest power or influence.
Well, hasn’t THAT changed! Raw information and research is abundantly available to any consumer with internet access and a smartphone, and that happens to be just about every person whom advisers might want as future clients. What a lot of the market research by institutions looking to deal directly with those consumers is revealing is the extent to which consumers are embracing and actively using their access to this information.
As with most things in life this is either a threat or an opportunity for an advice business, and the choice of those two really is totally ours.
If on the one hand an advice business builds its value proposition or market positioning around the information asymmetry position (“you need us because we have the research/information/smarts…”), then this shift is definitely a threat. In fact it is more than a threat….you have accepted your own demise. This value proposition for an advice business will ultimately result in commercial suicide. You are competing with Google and every other search engine. You will lose that war.On the other hand, we can look at this shift and realise that there is in fact an opportunity to highlight our expertise and position as coaches, or mentors, or counsellors to these consumers. The consumers research may well be triggered by a particular need or transaction at a moment in time (as they see it), and if we are providing useful information which they are using as part of that research then we are definitely still in business. Being a source of trusted and useful information helps with advisers positioning as “guides on the great journey to financial freedom”, and will open up opportunities for us to work with potential clients I believe.What the market research is revealing (and which is particularly useful for advisers) is that there are broadly three phases to the “do it yourself” approach that consumers are using;