How Financial Advisors Sabotage Their Focus and What To Do About It


In today's episode, I'd like to talk about how our environment can profoundly impact our focus and productivity.

Whether you're working in a corporate office or at home, your surroundings and whatever you decide to put in them are crucial in either helping you or holding you back from achieving your goals.

Today, we will discuss how to cultivate a success-driven environment and identify the pitfalls we must avoid.

I also discussed the following:

  • (03:36) How your morning environment shapes the rest of your day
  • (08:18) Why your Zoom background matters
  • (09:36) What advisors should be mindful of when engaging in conversations
  • (11:05) The one thing that we all have control over

Related: Cautionary Advice: Financial Advisors and the Pitfalls of Popularity