Difficult conversations are like paying taxes and getting older, no one likes it but it is a reality we all have to face.
And unlike a fine wine, a difficult conversation does not get better with age - because avoiding conflict only leads to bigger festering problems.
While no one likes to deliver a difficult message, it can, and often does, lead to important breakthroughs in the workplace. We have both had many difficult conversations over the course of our careers and when handled properly, we walked away better for it. And we’re not going to sugar coat it - we have also had conversations that did not go so well but we learned a few truly valuable lessons in the process.
First, everyone has fears when faced with dealing with a conflict - we have them too. Will the other party hear what I’m saying? What if they blow up like Mt. St. Helens? Will this attempt at honest communication make the situation worse? Maybe I should let it ride and hopefully it will blow over.
These fears are normal. It’s important to acknowledge your fears and move forward.
Second, look at your own history and be honest with yourself. We all have our own historical record with respect to conflict - it started at home, evolved over time and then went with us to the workplace.
Take a hard look at how you typically deal with conflict and then adjust as needed. If you grew up in a home that avoided difficult conversations and you typically shy away from them, recognize this and work through it. If you’re used to reacting immediately to conflict, perhaps take a breath and know you need some time to process. Know yourself first and you will have won half the battle.
In addition to acknowledging fears and honestly assessing yourself there are things you can do to bolster your confidence and produce a positive outcome. Here are some of our favorite tactics.
Five tips for delivering a difficult message.
Speaking openly about conflict is not easy and it takes preparation and guts to get the job done. Acknowledge your fears, know yourself and face those difficult conversations head on – conflict does not get better with age.