Don’t Miss This Key Opportunity While Reconnecting This Season


Now that summer is over, connecting with clients makes a great time to highlight your business success and nudge clients to share you with their friends and family. Here’s how to make the most of the opportunity.

  • Consider what you’ll say to share succinctly about personal summer activities and then, gently segue to highlighting your business success this year.
  • Let clients hear your commitment to providing high-quality service and have them understand you consider them a great fit for your business and are interested in connecting with others like them.
  • Share this approach and wording with your team so you are all using similar language to communicate about your business now.

Related: Two More Communication Crutches To Avoid


When you’re reconnecting with people at this time of year, don’t miss this opportunity.

Summer’s officially over now, and when you connect back with clients, the chances are they’re going to ask you how your summer was. Usually, that’s going to be precipitated by your asking them how their summer was. When they ask you, you can absolutely tell them what you’ve been up to. . .

But also, you can use this time to showcase your business and how well things have been going. Here are some ideas.

You can tell them what you have been up to, such as if you’ve traveled somewhere with your family. That’s great to share. And you can also mention something along the lines of,

“Summer couldn’t have come soon enough in our business because it gave us a chance to sit back and catch our breath. We’ve had a phenomenal year, meeting people just like you and Sue, who’ve been wonderful to work with. While we’ve been growing quite quickly, over the summer we took some time to evaluate where we’re at. We are determined we’re not going to trade our service for anything. So, we are still taking on new clients, but very slowly. And we want them to be an ideal fit for us, like you and Sue. So, we’re really keeping the majority of our space available for friends and family of existing clients. Yeah, this year has just been kind of shoot-the-lights-out—it’s been great for us!”

Use that kind of language, and then move on, refocusing on what they told you about their summer, with something like, “You guys sound like you had a wonderful time in Italy! What’s it like coming back from a trip like that and returning to the office?” Segue from what you’ve told them about your business straight to something about them. It’s a little highlight that showcases things are going great, we are filling up, and we specifically want more people just like you—all without grabbing the spotlight and shining it on yourself unnecessarily. It’s nice and subtle, but it makes a point.

So, to do this effectively,

  1. Consider the language. You want to be able to segue into it softly. Tell them about how your summer trip to Hilton Head went and then, “It’s also given our team an opportunity to sit back and evaluate how this year has gone.”.

  2. Be proud of your success. “The growth has gone exceptionally well. So great, in fact, we’re watching it closely. We’re not going to trade our service for anything.” It’s great because you modestly let them know you’ve got a high level of service and you’re going to stick to that.

  3. Follow through on this. Share this with your team to make sure you are all using similar language. Let your team members know this is how we’re promoting the fact that we’ve come back after summer, having evaluated our growth, and we’re being careful about bringing on more clients. We are interested in more clients, but we want them to be ideal clients, like the very ones we’re talking with right now.

Do this to let clients know you care for and are committed to them and you’d also love for them to refer their friends and family to you. You will see your business continuing to grow, especially in the final quarter this year.

I look forward to bringing you another Distraction-Proof Advisor Idea next week.