Some people view business as a mere transaction while others see it as a process for developing relationships .
Blending the two thoughts will see more people will doing well in their endeavors.
Being in business requires on-going learning. Old ideas sometimes transform, or, they combine with the new thought of the day. Sales management and peers were always discounting the prices in their portfolio as anxiety to make the sale overtook common sense.
Witnessing how people sold at my first job, I wondered:
Those initial thoughts matured by my fourth job. One talented salesperson instructed me on how he was able to sell at list price and earn bonuses at every opportunity. You can bet I paid attention and followed his instruction. I blended my style with his suggestions.
At the start of each new conversation, I would explain how our portfolio was one of the more expensive. The statement was quickly followed by the question, “Does price or service hold more importance for you?” Hearing the answer of ‘service,’ I had the green light to sell at the higher price, and I explained how I excelled in servicing accounts.
Build value into what you are selling from the start.
The second component of doing business is most see it as nothing more than a transaction. In this mode, there is no reason for clients to give their loyalty. Compassion thought, and understanding all drive further sales. My practice of sharing stories to find commonality served to build relationships and a human connection with my clientele. Don’t be fooled; business is personal. And when you conduct business person-to-person, the reward is the development of a loyal clientele.
Being personal first applies to the online world, too. For example, I’m very turned off by people who continually tweet, ‘buy, buy, buy.’ However, I’m intrigued by those who post inspiring, motivating, and helpful Tweets as well as beautiful artwork. Becoming familiar with one another upfront takes time and seems senseless, but this is what builds loyalty and friendship. The promotion of one another lifts off, and more people learn about us. It may appear to be a slow start but proves to be well worth it in the end.
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Now that it is almost year-end think about your more favorable sales over the past year. Did you merely transact business similar to a robot, or do you have some fond memories of working with your clientele?
One secret to continued success is to focus on the positive. Create a list of the clientele that gave your best moments. List adjectives next to each that describe the experience. Review the list for commonalities. Next, think about how they differ from the rest.
Are there signals indicating the more enjoyable clientele?
Will business improve if you attempt to focus on those you like best? Will business become more memorable by changing the focus from transaction to personal?
Now give due consideration to how you post content online. Are you continually attempting to sell, or are you providing helpful insights? You will know if your balance of the two is adjusted correctly when your name appears on more and more lists of varying types.
In conclusion, when interactions became more personable, the value increases significantly in the eyes of my clientele. It’s best to put your personal best first to avoid the need to deflate the price. Done well, you establish credibility and receive glowing testimonials.