Personal obligations plus work will often take away from the attention you occasionally need to give yourself to speak up. However, to do any job well, it’s important to pay attention to what you hold important.
The mantra I heard every single day from my Dad was, “never give up, just find a better way.” In today’s environment, concerning what we hold socially acceptable, the advice is more important than ever. In honor of International Women’s Day, we have reason to celebrate, but with an equal distance filled with challenges ahead of us.
In the earlier days, women were not unified and stepped on one another to gain the attention of a man. It didn’t do much good given the lack of fidelity and loyalty. Thankfully, women are beginning to see the wisdom in a collaborative effort and unity.
It’s no secret that I refused to do ‘typical female work’ to instead enter the business world. Treatment was horrific including a lingerie fashion show celebration for the men – in honor of my making my sales numbers. The story is detailed, along with others, in my book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale . Examples of speaking up, taking action and committing to sales on a higher plane provide evergreen insights for building a business.
My challenge to the business world is not to just enable sales, but to Enable People. Ideas include:
Everyone has to take responsibility for their situation. If either the work environment or political landscape, is not to your liking, then vote for change. Offer your ideas and take responsibility for making them happen. Become the respected leader who drives change.
Related: What Are You Communicating Through the Grapevine?
Do You:
It may be some time until you feel the respect in your organization that you believe you deserve. But there is no reason everyone cannot go out and work toward the unifying goal. Young teenagers in Florida are the perfect example of coming together to push for stronger gun control. Whether you agree or not, you have to admire the gumption they have to take responsibility for working toward change.
And while you are working on bringing a collaborative and inclusive effort to your work, consider running for office. Make the agenda of valuing yourself one that will benefit the voting population.
Let’s change what is the typical modus operandi today. A new attitude only comes about when many work together to bring it front and center, and into action. Let’s speak up and teach our future generations that they have equal rights and are deserving of equality.
Those who do not acknowledge the basic rights of everyone to be treated equality are the ones who should suffer from less pay, less benefits, and less respect.
Oprah declared, “it’s a new day is on the horizon.”