For those new to the sales profession, few are familiar with the psychology of selling. We soon learn that the yes or no upfront response is meaningless. What matters more are the individual motivators driving each answer.
Everyone has a personal and unique history. Making a positive first impression is the first step for delving into a meaningful sales cycle. Upfront respect for each person we encounter is essential. The same holds whether in-person or online. Our responses to messaging indicate whether we, ourselves, are worthy of a conversation.
Align with the psychology of selling and demonstrate your worthiness to move the sale forward.
The first step to successful selling is to realize that each person’s set of experiences will produce a variety of perspectives. We become more insightful and increase agility in conversation upon careful listening. Only then are we able to dig into other people’s persona and receive a wealth of insights into how they think and operate. A profound conversation is likely to develop when we allow the ‘anything goes’ mindset. Begin appreciating the wide variety of perspectives. We become more insightful and increase agility in future conversations.
Eliminate all judgment; behave as an investigator to secure all the facts.
As a new sales representative, the instruction was to make 50-60 cold calls per day. Until I became familiar with how to communicate with prospects upfront properly, the strategy was somewhat terrifying. To get the ‘have-to’ out of the way, I would make ten phone calls in the morning, sixty cold field calls during the day, and more calls late afternoon. Exhaustion helped to relieve my nerves, but that isn’t the best method. It took months until I felt more relaxed with the initial calls.
The Psychology of Selling Changed My Attitude
Behind every title is a person with good and bad experiences ready to share.’
Public speaking changed the landscape for me. We are all human. Accordingly, I began speaking with prospects heart-to-heart and mind-to-mind. Getting to know the person behind the title was my first course of action. Sharing stories and experiences became my number one strategy, and the magic began to happen.
Our initial encounters became a fun process. We need to realize that people aren’t born with titles. It’s the combination of the good and bad experiences that propel people forward most of the time. Everyone has experience with dark moments in addition to the good. Upon asking others to share their career highlights and take the time to hear out their personal experiences, it is incredible what we can learn.
Carl Reiner sadly passed away. He was a gifted writer and so much more. When we observe the highly successful in action, we never give thought that they too may have undergone tough times. His posted quote provides insight and reason to continue trying.
“Even failures can turn into something positive if you just keep going. I wrote a television pilot called ‘Head of the Family.’ CBS didn’t want it. It was considered a failure. But we reworked it. A year later, it became ‘The Dick Van Dyke Show.'” Carl Reiner. RIP.
Many people think, ‘why me?’ believing they are the only ones facing difficulties. By encouraging a more personal dialogue, we stand out from the crowd. My favorite question is, ‘may I ask how you chose your career and arrive at your position today?’
Trust is the soul of sales.
The facts plus the personal insights of my prospects flooded the conversation. We became trusted friends. At times it seemed as if I could get certified in psychology. I grew into becoming a trusted source. The meetings became so enjoyable; it was hard to believe I was earning money at the same time. Accordingly, every day I began looking forward to those cold calls and further stimulating conversations.
Cold calls well-thought-out transform into warm calls, invitations, and earned sales.’
Aligning with the need to call prospective clients and eliminating the fear comes an outstanding new book by Jeff Shore, ‘Follow-Up and Close The Sale.’ The book provides a variety of communication methods and styles for follow-up. Chapters include ‘Waking Up Old Leads’ and ‘Knowing When To Let Go.’ While the suggestions sound simple, they are all highly effective. I know, because I use the approaches myself. Take advantage of the ‘Look Inside’ to determine if the book will enable your sales.
The other factor many miss out on is that we all have extensive networks. Word of mouth will influence the picture of future work. During the Covid19 pandemic, revising methods is essential. Joanne Weiland, LinktoExpert, sent out a press release, filled with articles from leaders on how to succeed during this time.
Put a different perspective on the making of cold calls and all new communications. Embrace the line from the famous movie Casablanca, ‘This could be the start of a beautiful relationship.’ The potential becomes unlimited as we embrace the psychology of selling.
Your Story: Psychology Of Selling
Mindset matters in every regard.
Ask yourself whether you would view yourself as worthy of a conversation. Should you be having difficulty getting through to prospects and setting appointments, review your habits and approach.
At every turning point, examine:
- Habits that may need improvement
- Motivation to improve each day
- Goal setting and future achievement
- Strategies that work well and will remain evergreen
- Your passion and what is to come next
Your attitude affects how others view you. Their perspective of you becomes your personal brand. Others are to see and hear your authentic goodwill and voice of cheer as you approach. The third step is for prospects to witness your curiosity about them and how they work. They want you to ask questions and dig deep with the focus on them, not the sale. The psychology of selling is a welcome effort.
As you begin to incorporate these suggestions, you demonstrate that you genuinely care. You put into place an informal reciprocal agreement. The magic begins as you encourage prospects to want to learn more about you. Your conversations naturally flow. Accordingly, Trust builds, and gradually so do the quantity and size of sales.
There is a bonus for implementing the psychology of selling. You will learn to develop a returning and referring clientele.
Sales Tips: Psychology of Selling
- Make calls with an inviting and cheerful tone
- Send messages that are of interest to the individual after reading each profile.
- If ‘now’ is not a good time, request a day and time that works best
- On each follow-up call, ask the person if the day and time still work
- Always inquire what’s new in the person’s world
- Respond sincerely to what another reveals
- If something doesn’t sound right, inquire about the circumstance
- Avoid making judgments
- Connect experiences between you
- Celebrate Success!
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