Do You Love Your Work? How to Solve Your Happy Problems

Face it: at work we spend the majority of our time solving problems.

So it just makes sense that loving your work depends on picking jobs that have you solving your “Happy Problems”—the ones you most enjoy working on. Here's a way to help you know what those are for you, so you can be one of “the lucky ones” who love what you do.

Coaching seasoned executives and young professionals alike, I see this often: Each of us is magnetically pulled toward one or two of sets of problems, and prefers to avoid (or gets bored with) the others.

Over the years, I've come to group "happy problems" into four categories: Starter, Builder, Fixer and Runner.

In brief: Starters are the people who love solving the problems of starting new things. Builders seek out the issues of growing something from smaller to larger. Fixers prefer the problems of resolving something or turning around a troubled situation, and get bored once that’s done. Runners—the Steady Bettys and Eddies—are happy solving the issues needed to keep things on track through fair and foul weather. More detail about these follows below.

By now I’ll bet you have an idea about which one or two is/are the most you?

It’s great to figure that out about yourself! If it's not immediately clear to you, take a look back at the happiest times in your career or life, and the least happy times, and you will see your own pattern. What types of problems were you solving consistently among the better times? The worse times?

By the way, I'm not saying that we can't be satisfied solving other problems. For instance, a fixer can be a starter and vice versa. In fact, over time our careers will call for us to be and/or do every one of these things. Yet to be at your best and do your best work consistently, you need to understand your natural preferences and align / realign with a matching job and organizational need.

Looking at the Four Preferences

As you consider each of these preferences, ask yourself: Which one or two is/are the most “you” at this point in your life? Which of the challenges give you your biggest thrill, or sense of fulfillment at the end of the day? Which would you rather avoid? Which would you like to spend the majority of your time doing? Are you doing that now? If not, what needs to happen?

1. The “Starter” loves the challenges of the blank whiteboard. You see it as an invitation to innovation, invention or creation, and are clear about your vision and road ahead. You probably have more than one domain name, patent, or trademark at the ready. You may have a few VC’s or angel investors on speed dial. You have the soul of an entrepreneur/instigator and the energy to go with it. As you get through the formative stages, and people around you start talking about “leverage” and “scale,” your interest tends to move on to your next big idea, and you have a list of them.

2. The “Builder’s” mantra is “make it bigger,” and s/he loves the challenges of growing something from norming to performing. You’ll be dancing when the volume, sales or other growth metrics are spinning up – and your hands are on those wheels. You love applying cleverness and skill to balancing resources versus constraints versus high demand, and are happiest when that results in the “great to have” problems of scaling during high growth. Over time, as the growth line inevitably begins to flatten, you’ll probably be ready for a change.

3. The “Fixer” loves the challenges of something or someone in need, and the promise of making a big difference. You likely want to get into the gnarly issues — the tougher the better. You’re sure of your ability to resolve, fix, and instigate change, even when others see a blank wall or daunting puzzle. You’re happiest when applying smarts and skills to make a big impact that leaves thing far better than you found them. Once done with that, it’s time for the next new challenge.

4. The “Runner” loves the subtler mysteries of the long game. You enjoy ongoing responsibility through thick and thin, ever keeping a steady hand on the wheel. You’re less likely to want to change things significantly over a short period of time, but want to make more nuanced course corrections that keep things on track as needed. You appreciate the opportunity and role to ensure smooth sailing as a blessing rather than a burden. When and if things become more turbulent, and that’s prolonged, it’s probably time for a change.


Ultimately, it’s not only important to understand your own preference(s) here, but also to help others know theirs, and (when hiring) to bring in people who match the role, and the needs of your organization, which of course, are dynamic and evolving.

The big reveal here is that it doesn't need to be “luck” that allows you to do the work you love or that you were meant to do; it’s focus, self-awareness and courage.

Focus on your happy problems, take the time to reflect and know yourself, and have the courage to make job and career choices that fit you best.