In theory, it’s never too late. You can make changes to your presentation anytime. But – and this is a big but – changes always present a cost .
Sometimes changes pose a financial cost:
Sometimes changes pose an opportunity cost:
Whether it’s a financial cost or an opportunity cost: Either way, you’ll pay . And the later you make those changes, the more they will cost. Beware night-before rewrites.
The best way to avoid changes? Plan. If you plan your presentation carefully, you’ll be less likely to require last-minute changes.
Always prepare an outline before you script your remarks or do your PowerPoint . The more you understand your content and your audience, the more you can remain in control of your presentation.
As a speaker, ask yourself, “How much am I willing to sacrifice for hasty changes? Money? Quality? Frustration? Lost sleep? Less rehearsal time?”
Yes, errors absolutely do need to be fixed. Other items? Not so much.