As a demographic, baby boomer women control a net worth of $19 trillion dollars and own more than three-fourths of the nation’s financial wealth. We have made impressive strides over past generations, especially where finances are concerned.
We have been called the healthiest, wealthiest and most active generation of women in history. Once our debts are out of the way and our children are financially on their own, we are spending two and a half times more than what the average person spends.
According to the Allianz Women Money & Power Study (2017), women today “are more educated, earn a significantly higher income and assume a more powerful role in the workplace.”
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We have taken control and are dominating the role of primary buyer of the home.
With this power comes responsibility to both ourselves and our families. We must stay educated and increase our financial literacy, so we can stay ahead of the game. Because as long as we do, the world will continue to listen and cater to our requests.
Ladies, financial empowerment is finally ours for the taking.