Are You Still on the “Give Free Value” Bandwagon?

Does educating your prospect by giving them your time, knowledge and expertise for free, convert them into paying clients?

Some yes, many no.

It’s become a trendy idea – give value and the universe will give back.

It has a certain moralistic ‘feel good’ appeal to it: as long as you’re generous with your time and resources, the universe will eventually reward you.

But is this true?

If you’re willing to play the numbers game, and wait a very long time to be rewarded, then maybe yes.

If that model is working for you and you are 100% happy with it, don’t change.

When a prospect has their discovery meeting with you and you pour your heart and soul into helping them, do they agree to retain you at the end of that meeting, consistently?

If not, why not?

Many advisors who follow this “give-value” belief system, are converting less than they are happy with.

Value delivered, yet unrewarded by the universe.

Here’s the issue...

Mostly everyone in the industry is giving value in the attempt to make the sale, because that’s what they’ve been taught be their elders – that’s their conditioning, that’s all they know to do.

Yet, even with all this giving of value, many of your prospects remain indecisive about hiring you.

You have an office, you look professional, you’ve been around for at least a decade, you have all the designations and even a solid book of business…so what gives?

Giving free value (trying to show them the benefits of your knowledge), fails to answer the real question on their mind...

Which isn’t “Who can solve my problem?” but instead, ”Who can I trust to solve my problem?”.

This is why after giving immense value and you begin to hear:

“I need to discuss this with... “.

“We haven’t made a decision yet but we’ll let you know when we do”.


“This is very helpful but I need more time to think about it”.

It’s disheartening to hear these statements, especially after you’ve demonstrated your expertise and credibility.

The problem with this “give-value” sales belief system is that value in itself, has been commoditized.

Giving value no longer differentiates you – it commoditizes you.

The truth is, your prospect does not need proof of your value to move forward with you as a paying client.

They need proof they can trust you.

Doctors diagnose their patient’s problem and deliver clarity on a treatment plan.

This clarity creates trust.

It also satiates the need to search for alternatives, bringing the patient to a decision point:
If I want to solve this problem, I need to agree to the treatment plan matched to my diagnosis.

By delivering clarity on the depths and urgency of your prospect’s issues (instead of demonstrating your value through education), you’ll bring your prospect to a decision point.

They won’t question the “treatment” you have in mind, they’ll trust you to do the right thing by them.

This new model, differentiates by becoming a Trusted Authority, relieves you of the pressure of proving your expertise, and creates an instant human connection that says: “I can trust him or her”.

To learn how to position yourself and your process as a Trusted Authority, (like a doctor does in their practice), order the complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: Stop Delivering Value ... Pre-Sale

Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net worth/lead generation expert for financial advisors. His newest book, “Trust In A Split Second” has become an instant best-seller among financial advisors worldwide – you can get a Free copy of Ari’s book here and, when you click the “YES” button in the order form, you’ll also receive a complimentary “plug up the holes” lead generation consultation.