Are You Ready to Try Something New for Business and Growth?

The combination of our remaining summer days and the upcoming weekend can be cherished moments with time devoted to realizing our best growth route. Upon reading about a remarkable opportunity to learn about AI for GTM, intrigue entered the picture, and I volunteered to share the news below.

One of our better strategies for business growth is to dedicate ourselves to learning what is not a natural process for us but is becoming a part of our future. Our blog offers insights and an opportunity to try something new for business and growth, personally and professionally.

We each have a unique talent contributing to the ease of doing business. However, the skills we do not possess are often necessary to learn, and it’s wise to learn from the best in the field. I have admired Julia Nimchinski for a long time since she enacted the remarkable GTM Online Games. 

Surpassing the previous, Julia is bringing the AI Summit to life via LinkedIn. While AI is a hot topic, the Summit will include strategic selling techniques for improving outcomes to enjoy growth.

Oleg Rogynskyy (Founder & CEO) has been in the AI game, perhaps since its inception. Accordingly, he has the following to his name:
– Created the AI for GTM space
– Invested in 35+ companies
– Multiple exits to OpenText and Lexalytics

September 3-5, Oleg will be featured at the AI Summit and share his insights on the “AI for Prospecting” executive panel moderated by Kerry CunninghamLink to register:

Building Business

Excuses are easy to come by, mainly when a busy schedule is involved, but it’s critical to learn all we can to advance our endeavors. Subject matter vital for growth includes:

  • Topics that are not second nature but necessary
  • New trends and technology and the better ways to implement them
  • Subject matter that creates a bit of fear, such as effective public speaking to make your voice heard.

Taking each course to realize how you may best utilize the instruction will give you a more comprehensive approach to your business. The next step is to discuss with trusted colleagues what you like the best and ask for their perspective(s). Occasionally, you may realize a way to collaborate to expand your efforts.

Ongoing Learning

On another note, it’s wise to learn the latest technology updates, how to implement them, and how different generations handle them. The more we familiarize ourselves with varying age groups, the more adept we become at delivering content and services that appeal to their needs, thereby increasing interest and actual business. 

Weekend Thoughts

An excellent exercise during non-work hours is allowing your mind to roam freely to contemplate what you wish to be doing. Next, recognize whether these ideas are repeats to give keen attention to or if a new one pops up that you find exciting. Whatever the case, now is the time to consider your new strategic approach to almost ensure an excellent year-end and a productive new year. 


Being in good company and with bright minds is an excellent opportunity to learn and grow. While an idea may be a stretch, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Even if the ideas are not for you at the end of a session, the worst case is that you will be aware of new business approaches utilizing the latest technology. It will contribute to a deeper conversation with clientele, a perfect formula for business growth.