Advisors: Be the Doctor, Not the Pharmacist – How to Elevate Your Role

Many advisors, after asking some fact-finding questions in their first prospect meeting, react in their mind with “I can solve that!” and they can’t help themselves but to tease out a path to a solution in that meeting.

This stems from the traditional sales mindset that you have to show your value in order to make the sale.

This approach has several risks:

You assume that you need to educate them on your solution

(you don’t need to educate, you just need to provide clarity)

They see you as operating with an agenda and seeking their approval

(this weakens your positioning and creates pressure)

They never tell you their deepest issues

(they will remain hidden and never be addressed)

In the commoditized world we all now live in, prospects have become desensitized to solutions and see them all as the same.

Education and information are now seen as a persuasion which adds pressure and breaks trust.

How can you stop yourself from jumping in to present your solution if your goal is to bring them on as a client?

Be Present

When they state their problem, instead of moving to solution-mode, be present in the moment with them, without feeling the need to move them forward

Don’t Interrupt

Go deeper into their issues without interrupting. It’s not your job to create momentum, but to help provide clarity

Don’t Assume

Focus on getting to the truth without assuming a sale is there. When we make assumptions, we get caught up in the traditional mindset of moving prospects forward which can create pressure

You need to shift from being the pharmacist to being the doctor.

Doctors are trusted authorities because they operate without an assumed agenda and always provide a proper diagnosis first, not doing so would be considered malpractice.

Positioning yourself as the doctor instead of a pharmacist, is key to establishing yourself as a trusted authority and as a category-of-one in your market.

Instead of you saying, “We can solve that”, you need to wait until they say to you “How can you help me?”, after you’ve provided clarity on their problem.

To discover how to become a “category-of-one” in your sales process, order your complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: What Sets Elite Producing Advisors Apart from the Average?

Get your Free copy of Ari’s best-selling book "Trust In A Split Second!" here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest book, “Trust In A Split Second!” has become an instant best-seller among financial advisors worldwide.