Active vs. Passive Client Communication Strategies For Financial Advisors


Hello and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. It's early August 2024, and it's been an exciting week in our industry. I realized we hadn’t discussed the key difference between active and passive client communication—which many advisors often blur, leading to confusion.

When discussing an advisor’s communication style, I prefer the term "client relational model" over "client service model." To me, "service" feels transactional, while advisors truly offer a meaningful partnership with a financial professional.

In this episode, we'll unpack some elements of that model, focusing on active and passive communication.

I also discussed the following:

(04:16) The different aspects of a client relational model
(06:59) The number one reason why a client leaves their advisor
(13:05) Why phone calls may not be the best method for outreach
(15:16) What advisors should say in their check-in calls
(18:48) Why advisors should prioritize outreach