7 Tips to Selling Yourself and Your Ideas in the Workplace

Knowing how to strategically pitch an idea to your boss increases the chances that it will be accepted and implemented. If you garner favor for your viewpoint, it can mean a promotion, a raise and more respect. If you want the best results, it is important to think before you speak with a plan in mind about the best way to move forward.If you want to develop the leadership skills necessary to make significant changes in the workplace, you must learn how to win over people in positions of power to your way of thinking without ruffling feathers and threatening the status quo. Becoming an effective communicator is key for success. Considering that the workplace is fraught with complicated dynamics that includes fragile egos, suspicion and competition for recognition, anyone hoping to make changes must learn how to navigate the landscape that defines corporate culture.Below are some ways to win over support in the workplace.

1. Meet in person.

Many sources strongly discourage emailing as a good idea. While some people consider pitching their plan via email, resist that urge at all costs. By talking to decision makers either in person or over the phone, you can respond to questions and have a conversation, increasing your odds of gaining their buy-in.

2. Convert your boss early.

Approach your superiors very early on when you first consider your idea so that they can buy-in early and think of it as their plan. While your ego might have to take a backseat for awhile, the results will likely be better. Making your boss look good is never a bad way to go.

3. Prepare for the presentation.

Confidence is key for winning people over to your proposal. The difference between leadership and poweris subtle and is all about controlling your outcome through preparation. The best way to gain confidence is to practice. You should try to incorporate figures and facts that best portray the points you want to make. Rehearse your presentation with a trusted friend and ask for their input. Objective feedback is invaluable. Be sure to include information about costs involved for implementation.Related: 5 Ways to Earn a Big Promotion in 2019Related: 5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Productivity At Work

4. Be prepared.

For a business proposal to be taken seriously, it is critical that you anticipate the questions you will be asked. Return on investment (ROI) is what every business manager has to consider. If there is any question about the monetary risk associated with your plan, then it is likely that your boss will reject your suggestion. That's why you must have an answer for all their concerns so they can get behind you.

5. Warm-up your audience.

If you talk to many people working hard to get ahead, you will soon realize that most of them feel underappreciated. Being kind and taking the time to recognize your superior's hard work via a sincere compliment is always appreciated. The key is to only do it when you truly mean it. Be forewarned. Don't go overboard and gush. Nobody likes a suck-up.

6. Get third-party endorsements.

It is wise to quote trusted references from respected sourceswhen you make your case to the boss. This will make it easier for them to imagine arguing your case in the future as they try and get buy-in on your recommendation.

7. Thoughtfully respond to feedback.

Listening to others is very important so that you can truly understand their concerns. It is your responsibility to lead the way by making it easy for your boss to say yes by putting their concerns to rest.


If you are prepared, then you can move mountains. This fact should encourage you to take that leap of faith and show up with your suggestions. Being a leader is about having good ideas and knowing how to communicate them.