The truth about feedback is that it is a powerful gift .
Whether we are a senior leader or an emerging leader, feedback provides us with critical information to become a stronger leader. Without feedback we would have a harder time fine tuning our leadership strategy.
Are we sometimes fearful of hearing feedback from certain people? Sure. But maybe instead of looking at those comments and insights as personal attacks, we can see them as steps to lead more effectively. We can look at the behaviors we can adjust and actions we can take to transform our leadership to a higher level.
Here are six reasons why leaders need feedback:
1. Feedback helps us see our talents
Leaders often ask me how they can identify their gifts and strengths and I will usually suggest that they ask a colleague or boss or friend to share that feedback with them. People we work closely with can easily recognize the areas we excel and are happy to give us their feedback. Next time you complete a project, ask your co-workers what they thought you contributed most to the solution. Ask them to be specific so you can gain insights into your talents and skills.
2. Feedback points out areas for us to tweak
In the same way we ask our colleagues about our strengths, we can ask them what additional knowledge or experiences could help us be stronger contributors. During our one-on-one sessions with our bosses, make sure to keep an open mind and listen to how we can change some of our approaches to our work to be more impactful. If we want to be influential leaders we must willing to hear constructive feedback and take action.
3. Feedback empowers our future choices
Do you know where your leadership is headed? No matter where we are on our leadership path, we need to chart our futures carefully and with purpose. The global world and our work worlds are constantly changing. That means feedback is more important than ever. The feedback we receive can:
4. Feedback builds deeper relationships
An unimagined benefit of feedback is building meaningful relationships with our colleagues and bosses. When we listen to feedback being offered and have an exchange of ideas we build bonds with others. Those conversations can become the foundation for trusting work relationships. So be an encourager of feedback discussions.
Related: Why Leaders Need To Be Strong Team Players
5. Feedback grows our emotional intelligence
A great way to become more emotionally and socially intelligent is to become aware of how we are presenting ourselves. Knowing how we are viewed when we work with others on projects can grow our leadership brand. I once had a co-worker who constantly challenged me. I would become so frustrated that I sometimes would ignore her. I wasn’t even aware I was doing that until our boss brought it to my attention in a feedback session.
6. Feedback is critical to leading honestly
To be an authentic leader it is essential to be trustworthy and credible. When leaders are able to receive feedback, hear it with an open perspective and take the appropriate action, they are credible. Colleagues gravitate towards honest leaders and bosses rely on them. We can lead more honestly when we see feedback as a true gift.