With so many demands on your time and energy these days, it can feel impossible to keep self-care on top of your priority list. Besides, when you do make time to slow down, the discomfort of trying to quiet your monkey mind can leave you feeling restless, eager to jump back into the daily grind.
Everyone knows that taking care of your physical health is critical to staying on top of your game, but we still struggle to do the basic things we need to maintain energy and thrive at work and home. The good news is, physical activity is one of the greatest ways to help the brain settle into stillness and reconnect with the heart to align with what matters most.
I’ve been making Sundays my long-run day for a while now, because I really try to break free from work for at least one day a week. But if I just focus on what I’m not doing, I can drive myself crazy. Going for a long run gives me a chance to be productive in another way, and now I’m realizing why it’s been so helpful.
Not only does it give me something to do, rather than obsessing about what I can’t do, it literally releases the stress hormones that have been building up in my body throughout the week, releases physical tension and boosts positive endorphins that make me feel good.
Which made me realize — mid-run today — why don’t we use physical exercise more often to quiet down our busy brains? Why don’t we make movement part of a spiritual practice that helps us to connect the brain and heart, to focus on what matters most to us on a regular basis?
By cross-training our body, heart and soul in this manner, we also get more done in less time, optimizing our return on both time and energy, and increasing the chances we’ll create healthy habits that last.
Many religious practices recommend taking one day a week to rest, but perhaps we’ve got the idea of resting all wrong. Maybe by activating our bodies we can actually shift our minds to a more calm and restful state, encouraging our body, mind and spirit to be fully engaged in the moment as we intentionally shift our focus to things like gratitude, appreciation, and positive reflection.
Related: Being Mindful of Your Mental Health