I’m currently interviewing to fill an open position on my team. In asking candidates about why they are seeking a new position and how they like to be managed, I realized the old adage is still true …
People quit their bosses, not jobs
It is still in poor taste to talk poorly about your previous employer. And, when asked, all of the candidates answered appropriately. However, there were some really clear themes that came across in what they said.
Buckle up, buttercup! This is why your employees hate you — and why they’re gonna quit as soon as a seemingly better opportunity comes along.
You don’t show interest in their development. Employees want to work for someone who is going to help them learn and grow. You don’t support their personal lives and need for time off. Employees want to work for someone who understands, respects and encourage their life outside of work. You don’t reward high performance. Employees want to work for someone who is going to recognize and reward the top performers — even if they aren’t a top performer. You can’t do their job. Employees want to work for someone who has done and, in a pinch, can do the work they perform every day. This ties into your ability to help them develop and grow — but it also relates to your ability to relate to their daily struggle and guide them in the best direction. You don’t resolve conflict. Employees want to work for someone who addresses problems head on and holds everyone accountable for results in their role.
If your employees are leaving, chances you’re failing in one or more of these areas — and your employees hate you.
The good news is you can turn this trend around! Heading into the last days of this year and the start of a new year, it is a great time to create a plan to improve in these areas. Here are some tips you can use:
Create personal development plans for your employees. Meet with them one-on-one to find out what they’re passionate about and help them set objectives to achieve their goals in a way that keeps them engaged and moves your organization forward. Walk the talk on flexible work scheduling. Either change your policies and marketing materials surrounding flexible schedule and remote working to match your true expectations — or start letting your people take their time without infringing on it or laying the guilt trip. Recognize your top performers. If budget allows, make sure you are appropriately compensating your best and brightest. If it doesn’t allow, make sure you are praising and thanking them in public and private when warranted. Set a schedule for job shadowing and cross-training. Make time and space in your calendar to refresh yourself on who and how the work gets done. Be prepared to shift duties and update processes as needed. De-throne the drama queens and kings. Address the impact of personality conflicts on performance and morale head on — then set new ground rules for the future and hold everyone accountable.
These changes will not be easy — but they will be worth it. And in time, the hateration will stop and your employees will be showing you lots of love.