“When did you know he was a bad hire?”
“Pretty much from day 1.”
“And when did you first have a frank conversation about your concerns?”
“Err… yesterday.”
“And now you want to terminate them?”
“Yeah, I mean it’s been a problem for a really long time. He’s got to go!”
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this seen this scene play out–both in my HR exec days, and now in the frustrations of my clients looking to add more rigor to their performance management processes.
The worst mistake you can make with a low-performing new hire is being overly patient.
Why are we overly patient? Well first off, we hired them, and it’s just freaking awkward that they’re this bad. So we convince ourselves they’ll be okay, and hold our breath and wait. Or, we know how hard it can be in a new job…so we just give them time and space to get better, and assume it will all work out.
Of course, most people don’t hit the ground running overnight. But if you’re REALLY worried after the first few customer interactions, or they just don’t seem to pick up anything you’re putting down, don’t wait too long. Better to lose the diaper drama as early in the game as possible– and tell them the truth (see more in our video interview).
They’re As Frustrated As You Are
No one starts a new job with the intention of really screwing it up. If it’s not working out, it’s likely they’re more frustrated than you are. It’s a good idea to be having “How’s it going?” conversations with all your new hires–and particularly those who are struggling.
A few conversation starters:
You’ve Got a Limited Window to Clarify Expectations
Don’t assume you’ve been perfectly clear with your expectations. If you wait too long to articulate and reinforce your standards, your new hire is likely to assume you just aren’t that serious, or that what he or she is doing is acceptable.
It’s fine to give some time to ramp up to be at full performance–but you always want to be reinforcing the end-goal and what success looks like. I can’t you how many times I’ve had crying employees in my HR office saying, “But my supervisor never told me…” And the truth is, often there was some truth to that. Be sure expectations are clear.
Bad Habits Are Hard To Break
Enough said. Be clear about the most important behaviors for achieving success, and reinforce those until they become a habit.
Your “A Players” Are Taking Notes
If the new guy comes in and gets away with less than productive behaviors, you will instantly lose credibility with your strong performers.
HR Can Help
Your HR manager can help you get extra resources to support your new hire’s success. AND, they can also help you deliver (and document) the conversations you are having. I’ve never met an HR professional who complained about being notified too early about a problem.
The best way to give your new hire and your team the best chance of success is to ditch the diaper drama as early in the game as possible, and have real conversations with your new hire.
Your turn. What advice do you have for working with a struggling new hire?